Latest Articles in Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Neurosciences


Stellungnahme zum Konkurs der EMH

Published on 04.09.2024
Vor einigen Tagen hat sich EMH unter dem Hashtag #rettetSÄZundSMF an Sie gewandt, um auf den drohenden Liquiditätsengpass und auf die dringende Notwendigkeit eines Abonnements hinzuweisen. EMH hat darauf sehr viele wertschätzende und unterstützende Reaktionen erhalten, wofür wir Ihnen sehr danken. Die eingeleiteten Massnahmen haben auch Erfolg gezeitigt. Leider hat der Zentralvorstand der FMH am 22. August 2024 mit sofortiger Wirkung sämtliche Zusammenarbeitsverträge ausserordentlich aufgekündigt. Damit hat er seinem eigenen Unternehmen die Existenzgrundlage entzogen. Die EMH hat heute die Bilanz deponiert und damit das Konkursverfahren eröffnet.
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The Neurobiology of Emotion Regulation in Personality Disorders

Review Article
Loris Grandjean, et. al.
Published on 16.05.2024
Loris Grandjean

Collectively, the reviewed articles form a coherent theory of dysfunctional emotion regulation in patients with BPD in the form of the fronto-limbic imbalance model, which is characterized by hypoactivity of the prefrontal region and hyperactivity of the limbic region. Thus, it appears that, compared to individuals without BPD, those with the diagnosis have a marked tendency to interpret their environment more negatively and to react with greater emotional intensity.

Silke Bachmann
Published on 17.04.2024
Silke Bachmann

The drawing on the cover page was created by a young man suffering from anorexia and offers an insight into his perspective of the condition. I recommend delving into the compelling case study, where the piece and its interpretations are described in detail. Allow me to add some remarks on the drawing and its representation of anorexia expanding beyond the individual perspective to broader implications.

Nicolas Nagysomkuti Mertse, et. al.
Published on 17.04.2024
Nicolas Nagysomkuti Mertse

In this report, we present the case of a talented anorectic patient whose artistic expression of his anorexia gave us an exceptional insight into the pain he experienced. Based on his artwork, we designed an illustrated visual analogue scale (VAS) that allowed us to assess the control of the disease over his mind and thus the clinical progress from a psychotherapeutic point of view. By comparing the progression of the VAS with the Body Mass Index (BMI), we were able to identify the tipping point at which the patient regained control and provide targeted support to maintain it, perceived as very helpful by the patient. A VAS assessing anorexia's control over the mind is a simple and readily available tool that factors in the psychiatric background of the disease. It could be a good complement to the BMI as a clinical outcome parameter and should be further explored.

Charles Bonsack, et. al.
Published on 17.04.2024
Charles Bonsack

La psychiatrie sociale a-t-elle encore un sens et un avenir? Le professeur Charles Bonsack, du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois et de l’Université de Lausanne, président de la Société suisse de psychiatrie sociale (, répond à nos questions.

Philippe Pfeifer, et. al.
Published on 17.04.2024
Philippe Pfeifer

Gemäss einer Schätzung der Schweizerischen Vereinigung Psychiatrischer Chefärztinnen und Chefärzte (SVPC) und niedergelassener Psychiater:innen läuft die Schweiz Gefahr, ab etwa dem Jahr 2030 substantiell zu wenig in der Praxis niedergelassene Psychiater:innen zu haben. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu internationalen Trends, die ein zunehmendes Interesse von Kandidat:innen am Fach Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie verzeichnen.

Andreas Steck
Published on 17.04.2024
Andreas Steck

Autoimmune encephalitis (AE) is the most common form of encephalitis of noninfectious etiology and is caused by autoantibodies targeting different neural epitopes. AE classically presents as a syndrome of rapidly progressive encephalopathy with memory deficits, altered mental status and/or psychiatric symptoms.

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