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Charles Bonsack
Published on 19.06.2024
Charles Bonsack

Peut-on prendre ses propres décisions sans risque de s’anéantir? Quel est l’impact d’être restreint dans ses décisions? Quel est notre liberté lorsqu’on souffre d’un problème de santé mentale ou d’une dépendance à une substance?

Thomas von Salis
Published on 19.06.2024
Thomas von Salis

Das Buch über Kronfeld und die Identität der Psychiatrie ist geschickt aufgebaut, indem die Darstellung der Person und des Werkes von Kronfeld durchsetzt ist mit neun Lebenswelten, Falldarstellungen mit Betonung kritischer Therapie-Situationen. So kommen Leser:innen nach der «Anstrengung des Begriffs» immer wieder auf das vertrautere Terrain der klinischen Situation.

Joachim Küchenhoff
Published on 19.06.2024
Joachim Küchenhoff

Nun ist die grosse Arbeit an der Sigmund Freud Gesamtausgabe (SFG) beendet; das mutige und grosse Projekt, 2015 von Christfried Tögel und dem Psychosozial-Verlag begonnen, wird acht Jahre später mit dem vorliegenden Band 23, der das Register für alle Bände und die Gesamtbibliographie aller Freud-Texte enthält, abgeschlossen.

Stéphanie Romanens-Pythoud, et. al.
Published on 22.05.2024
Stéphanie Romanens-Pythoud

Mental health problems affect men and women differently and women have a higher prevalence of mental health issues than men. Overall, women are two to three times more likely to be affected than men. Scientific literature tends to confirm that gender bias among professionals plays a certain role in mental health diagnosis. The aim of this study is to find out whether these biases already exist prior to professional practice by investigating the presence of gender biases in psychology and medical students.


Treatment Recommendations for Psychedelic-assisted Therapy

Helena D. Aicher, et. al.
Published on 18.05.2024
Helena D. Aicher

Switzerland's early contributions to the 'psychedelic renaissance', the revival of psychedelic science starting in the early 21st century, might be particularly noteworthy given the growing global interest in using psychedelics for research and therapy. In 2023, the Swiss Interest Group for Psychedelic-assisted Therapy was established to provide a clear and widely accepted framework for work related to psychedelic-assisted therapy. Members of this group created a first draft of treatment recommendations (S1 guidelines). These recommendations will be continuously updated to incorporate new findings in research and therapy.


The Neurobiology of Emotion Regulation in Personality Disorders

Review Article
Loris Grandjean, et. al.
Published on 16.05.2024
Loris Grandjean

Collectively, the reviewed articles form a coherent theory of dysfunctional emotion regulation in patients with BPD in the form of the fronto-limbic imbalance model, which is characterized by hypoactivity of the prefrontal region and hyperactivity of the limbic region. Thus, it appears that, compared to individuals without BPD, those with the diagnosis have a marked tendency to interpret their environment more negatively and to react with greater emotional intensity.

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